Educators can do much to help advance the mission and objectives of NFP Ministry. While speaking on the mechanics of Natural Family Planning to a school-aged audience may not be appropriate, our diocesan staff and NFP teachers are well equipped to speak on Theology of the Body and similar topics as a component to your school's theology, biology or sexual education curriculum.
Rarely do women and couples make large decisions such as how to approach their fertility based on their experiences at one solitary point of their lives. It is essential that we offer the faithful a consistent, inviting and loving message at multiple points throughout their lives and in multiple contexts. As Catholic educators, you have the unique responsibility and privilege of helping young people understand and appreciate their capacity for generating new life, for nurturing relationships, and for understanding the virtue of chastity. Facilitating the message of Theology of the Body for young people helps till the soil of the heart to receive the practical teachings of NFP later in their lives.
If interested in bringing in a local NFP teacher, please the call Office of Marriage& Family Life at (920) 272-8315.
If an administrator so wishes, as part of his/her duty to promote the spiritual formation of staff or as part of a wellness initiative, he/she could facilitate a presentation for interested parties on NFP or help direct staff to local NFP teachers or to the website, Posters and bookmarks for the website are available for the breakroom/office area upon request.
The Diocesen Office of Children and Youth Faith Formation has published informational booklets on the Theology of the Body for boys and girls in middle and high school.